Product description: organobentonite is made of high-quality organic sodium bentonite by the process of purification, aberration and organic activation. It has a good colloid dispersivity, thickening, cohesiveness and suspension stability in the organic solvents. This product can be used in paint, ink, high-temperature grease and cosmetics as a thickening agent as well as the ingredient of petroleum drilling, and processing of precision casting coating, packing grease and fiberglass. Ink and painting: the organobentonite is an effective gelatinizer of organic liquid. Adding a small amount of organobentonite into the liquid organic system will greatly affect its rheological properties, the viscosity increases, the fluidity change, the system will become thixotropic...

Address: Manjing Town, Renshou County, Sichuan Province, P.R China. Zip Code: 620500