product name:Product name: well-drilling slurry
product synopsis:Product name: well-drilling slurryProduct description: well-drilling slurry is a kind of light gray powder, which has a good hydrophilicity, electropositive exchangeability, thixotropy, expa...
product name:organobentonite
product synopsis:Product description: organobentonite is made of high-quality organic sodium bentonite by the process of purification, aberration and organic activation. It has a good colloid dispersivity, t...
product name:RS-effective petroleum adsorbent
product synopsis:Product description: RS-effective petroleum adsorbent is made up of active component, promoting catalyst component and multiple carrier, which is a high-performance adsorbent after physical ...
product name:sodium bentonite
product synopsis:Product description: sodium bentonite is a kind of hypo-white powder, non-toxic, which has a good cohesiveness, adsorbability, expansibility, exchangeability, catalysis, thixotropy, suspensi...
product name:Highly effective activated argil
product synopsis:Product description: Characters: it’s a kind of hypo-white powder, which does not dissolve in water, oil or organic solvents. It has a strong ion exchangeability, adsorbability, water affini...
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